Wednesday, 13 March 2013

All over London town..

Okay so one of my girlfriends suggested I do this, and I thought it was a bloody brilliant idea - this is a sum up and guide (in pictures) of what my friends and I do BEST in London  - hit the town!

This post is admittedly a bit reminiscent on my part as they are all from over a year or so ago. I thought I'd give you an idea of how WE like to party in the big smoke..

So, I know what you're thinking.. unless you're a Londoner too..what do a group of London girls DO on a night out..?

Step one: It's usually important to have our composed pictures, BEFORE alcohol gets involved! These are the pictures that when they are posted to facebook the next day we look at least half composed..

Let me introduce you to my gorgeous friends.. Ella & Victoria.


Meet Henri, she likes eyebrows and apparently her glasses upside down?..

Of course I like to get in on the action myself..

Step 2?  - Props are optional, in this case we got hold of some geek glasses, very sheek girls!

 Step 3: hair! swish it around, pretend you're in a hair advert, and hey -no ones judging you.. they're more than probably doing it themselves.


 Step 3? Give the camera a point or two, Vic has mastered this technique many a time..

 Step 4..Food? this usually includes mini burgers and champagne, yes please! hmmm..


Step 5? Almost get in the ice bucket.. why not?!


 Step 6? Hug strangers


 Step 7? Get a picture with ANYONE in costume..

Step 8? Dance on seats & tables and get to know the security men..

oh! more props.

Step 9? Now, although I'd never be seen dead in here during the day this is an important one post 1am.. HIT MC DONALD'S!

....and collapse.

And if you don't feel like this the next morning you know you didn't do it properly.

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